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Biology class 9th(Fundamental unit of life) cell part-04

                       YouTube: Exam DeepLearning                       BIOLOGY                                 CLASS - 9               FUNDAMENTAL UNIT OF LIFE                                     PART - 4     # TYPES OF CELL       Cells are two types : Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell       # prokaryotic cell : Cells which do not have a well defined nucleus are called prokaryotic cells. The nuclear region in these cells is not bounded by a nuclear membrane.  The membrane bound cytoplasmic organelles ( mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum etc. ) are also absent in prokaryotic cells. The only organelles present in them are ribosomes.                                      STRUCTURE OF BACTERIAL CELL # EUKARYOTIC CELLS : Eukaryotic cells are the cells which have a well defined nucleus. It is surrounded by a nuclear membrane. These cells contain membrane-bound cytoplasmic organelles . #  Differences between prokaryotic cell and Euka

Biology class 9th (Fundamental unit of life) cell part-03

 YouTube:  Exam DeepLearning                              BIOLOGY                   Fundamental unit of life                               Part - 3       #   STRUCTURAL ORGANISATION OF A CELL Each living cell has a capacity to perform certain basic functions that are characteristics of all living organisms. The cell possesses special functions such as making new material in the cell, clearing the waste material, protein synthesis, lipid synthesis, RNA synthesis etc. NOTE : A cell is able to and undertake all its life functions because of its cell organelles. A typical cell contains three parts : Plasma membrane or cell membrane Nucleus Cytoplasm Plasma membrane or cell membrane This is the outermost covering of the cell that separates the contents of the cell from its external environment. Plasma membrane is a living, thin, elastic and relocated outermost covering of the cell. It is 6 - 8 nanometer thick and is made up of phospholipids and proteins. The plasm

Biology class 9th (Fundamental unit of life) Cell Part-02

          YouTube: Exam DeepLearning                                                            BIOLOGY                          Fundamental unit of life                                         Part - 2 Instruments For Studying Cells Cells are too small to be seen by naked eye.  Cells study with the help of an instrument called a microscope.       # There are many types of microscope.        #The most common types of microscopes are as follow : Compound microscope : It is a high resolution instrument that uses glass lens for magnification and visible light for illumination. It was discovered by Z. Janssen.                                                                                              Compound microscope (b) Electron microscope : It is an instrument that uses electromagnets instead of glass lens for magnification and electrons instead of visible light for illumination . It was discovered by the knoll and Ruska. It uses high voltage electricity for observing subcellular

Biology class 9th ( Fundamental unit of life) cell part-01

YouTube :  Exam DeepLearning                           Biology                                                       Class - 9                                      Part - 1          The Fundamental Unit Of Life     # Events related to cytology Study of cell : Cytology Discovery of non-living cell : Robert Hooke ( 1665 ) Discovery of living cell : Antony Leeuwenhoek ( 1674 ) Discovery of protoplasm : Purkinje (1839 ) Cell theory was given by : Schleiden ( 1838 ) and Schwann ( 1839 ) Rudolf virchow expanded cell theory in : 1855       # What are living organisms made up of ? All living organisms are made up of cells. Best on the number of cells present in an organism divided into two parts :  Unicellular organisms : Made up of only one cell. Multicellular organisms : Made up of more than one cell. #Shape and size of the cells : The shape and size of the cells are related to the specific function they perform. Some cells can change their shape, like amoeba and white blood cells. Most