
About Nalanda open University (NOU)

                         NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY The Nalanda Open University is the only University in the State of Bihar meant for imparting learning exclusively through the system of distance education. The University was established in March, 1987 by an ordinance, promulgated by the Government of Bihar. Later, Nalanda Open University Act, 1995 was passes by the Bihar Legislature, replacing the Ordinance, and the University came under the authority and jurisdiction of the new Act automatically. The University is named after the famous Nalanda University of Ancient India. At present, the University is functioning from its camp office at Biscomaun Bhawan, 2nd,3rd,4th and 12th Floors, Patna 800 001. The University has established at its camp office at Patna a well equipped and fully automated modern office in an area of approximately 60,000 sq. feet, which houses an examination centre for about 1000 students, a state of...

Life Processes Part - 1 Nutrition / Photosynthesis

         BIOLOGY                                         CLASS - 10th                                       CHAPTER - 1                     Life Processes                               PART - 1 By Exam Deeplearning # Nutrition Nutrition is the process of intake of nutrients and its utilization by living organisms. Nutrients : Substance which provid...

Important G.K Question & Answer

  Q.   Mohiniyattam classical dance belongs to which state? Kerala Tamil Nadu Andhra Pradesh Maharashtra Solution : The correct answer is Kerala Key Points Mohiniyattam, (Malayalam: “dance of the enchantress”) also spelled mohiniattam or mohiniyattam, semi classical dance form from the state of Kerala, southwestern India. Additional information                                       Indian classical dance           Classical dance                     State Lavani Maharashtra Kuchipudi Andhra Pradesh Bharatanatyam Tamil Nadu Mohiniyattam, Kathakali Kerala Kathak           North india Q.  Sreedharan Pillai has been appointed as the Governor of which state in July 2021? Tamil Nadu Andhra Prad...

BIOLOGY Class - 10th Ch-1 Life Processes

                                    BIOLOGY       CLASS - 10th        CHAPTER - 1       Life Processes By Exam Deeplearning In this chapter we will discuss these topics          👇👇👇 What is Life Processes Nutrition Mode of Nutrition Autotrophic Nutrition Photosynthesis Heterotrophic Nutrition How Do Organisms Obtain Their Nutrition ? Nutrition in Human Beings : Human Alimentary Canal Respiration Respiration in Plants Respiration in Animals Human Respiratory System Diaphragm Mechanism of Breathing Transportation Transportation in Human Beings Functions of Blood Human Circulatory System Human Heart Blood Pressure Lymphatic System Transportation in Plants Excretion Excretion in Human Beings Nephron Mechanism of Excretion Excretion in Plants Qui...

History राम्प्पा मंदिर

  ।                    रामप्पा मंदिर                                        रामप्पा मंदिर : यूनेस्को विश्व धरोहर स्थल में शामिल चर्चा में क्यों ? रामप्पा मंदिर के बारे में मंदिर निर्माण की संरचना मंदिर स्थापत्य शैली             चर्चा में क्यों ? हाल ही में यूनेस्को की विश्व धरोहर समिति के 44 वे सस्त्र में भारत के रामप्पा मंदिर को विश्व धरोहर स्थल के रूप में शामिल किया गया | इस ऑनलाइन बैठक का आयोजन चीन के फूजाओ में किया गया था | यह भारत का 39 वां विश्व विरासत स्थल बना है |         रामप्पा मंदिर के बारे में  इस मंदिर का निर्माण 13वीं शताब्दी में काकतिय  राजा गणपति देव के सेनापति रचारला रुद्र द्वारा करवाया गया था | इस मंदिर के प्रमुख देवता राम लिंगेश्...