Life Processes Part - 1 Nutrition / Photosynthesis


                                     CLASS - 10th

                                     CHAPTER - 1

                   Life Processes

                             PART - 1

By Exam Deeplearning

# Nutrition

  • Nutrition is the process of intake of nutrients and its utilization by living organisms.

  • Nutrients : Substance which provides energy.

  • Macronutrients : Required in large amounts.

  • Micronutrients : Required in less amounts.

  • Source of nutrients : Food

  • Components of food

  1. Carbohydrates

  2. Proteins

  3. Fats / Lipids

  4. Vitamins

  5. Minerals

  6. Water

  7. Roughage

  • Mode of Nutrition

  1. Autotrophic

  • Organisms synthesize their own food from taking raw materials from the environment are called Autotrophs.  Example : All green plants, Algae and Cyanobacteria etc.

      2. Heterotrophic

  • Organisms dependent on Autotrophs either directly or indirectly for its nutrition are called Heterotrophic.

  • Example : Animals, Humans, Insects etc.

  • Photosynthesis

  • The process through which all green plants, Algae, Cyanobacteria organisms prepare its food in presence of sunlight and chlorophyll utilising inorganic material like Co2 , H2O.

  • Equation of photosynthesis

  • Steps of photosynthesis

  1. Absorption of sunlight by chlorophyll.

  2. Conversion of light energy into chemical energy.

  3. Photolysis of water into (H2O) Hydrogen and Oxygen.

  4. Reduction of carbon dioxide into carbohydrates.


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