Biology class - 9th Fundamental unit of life cell Part -7

    📚Biology 📚

                      Class - 9th📝

             Chapter - 1📝       Fundamental Unit Of Life

            👉  Part - 7🏝️



  • Mitochondria were discovered by Kolliker and named by Benda.

  • They are tiny bodies of various shapes distributed in the cytoplasm.

  • Each mitochondria is bounded by a double membrane envelope.

  • Mitochondria have their own circular DNA and 70s type ribosomes which help to make some of their own proteins.

  • Mitochondria are absent in prokaryotes and anaerobic eukaryotes.



      # Functions of mitochondria

  • Mitochondria are the sites of cellular respiration.

  • During respiration, oxidation of food releases energy in the form of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate).

  • It is known as the energy currency of the cell.

  • Mitochondria is also known as the Powerhouse of the cell.

# Plastids

  • The term plastids was introduced by E. Haeckel in 1866.

  • Plastids are present in plant cells and in some protists.

  • They are specialized to synthesise and store organic substances.

  • Like mitochondria, plastids are also double membrane cell organelles.


                                                         A Chloroplast

# Types of the plastids : On the basis of pigments present in them, plastids are of  three types :

     (i) Chromoplasts :

  • These are coloured plastids (other than green).

  • They occur in flowers, fruits and roots. Ex - Carrot🥕, Tomato🍅 etc.

  • They contain coloured pigments called carotenoids, including carotene and xanthophylls which provide yellow, orange and red to the flowers and fruits to attract animals for pollination.

     (ii) Leucoplasts :

  • These are colourless plastids.

  • They are of three types depending upon the type of storage product - amyloplasts (store starch), aleuroplasts/proteinoplast (store protein) and elaioplasts (store oil).

     (iii) Chloroplasts :

  • These are green coloured plastids.

  • They contain photosynthesis pigments called chlorophyll.

  • It provides green colour to the plants and helps in photosynthesis.

  • Chloroplasts also contain their own circular DNA and 70S type ribosomes.

    # Functions of plastids :

  1. Chloroplasts provide colour to fruits and flowers to attract animals for pollination and fruit dispersal.

  1. Leucoplasts take part in storage of protein, starch and oil.

  1. Chloroplasts trap solar energy to manufacture food through the process of photosynthesis.

  1. Chloroplasts are also known as the kitchen of the cell.

  1. Chloroplasts help to maintain the balance between the two gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) by utilising CO2 and releasing O2 during photosynthesis.


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