Chemistry : Structure Of Atom

                                STRUCTURE OF ATOM

                            Discovery of subatomic particles

Discovery of Electron : (Cathode rays experiment)

Performed by J.J Thomson

NOTE : Gases conduct electricity at low pressure and high potential difference (voltage).

# When pressure reduced and high voltage applied between two electrodes it was observed that 

   some rays strike on Zinc sulphide and produce spark.

# Since these rays were coming from cathode and so. They were called cathode rays.

# Actually cathode rays are the flow of negative charge particles called electrons.

# Properties of cathode rays

  1. These rays are negatively (-) charged.

  2. They have kinetic energy.

  3. They can produce heat.

  4. The nature of cathode rays does not depend upon the gas field inside the cathode tube.

#  charge on an electron ( Determined by R.A Millken by oil drop experiment ).

Charge on an electron = 1.6×10^-19 coulomb

Mass of an electron = 9.1×10^-31 kg

                                   = 9.1×10^-28 gram


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