Most important questions of biology


         💦  SOME IMPORTANT


Q 1.) How many chambers are present in human heart 💖💖 ?

( a )  3  

( b )  4

( c )  2

( d )  5

Q 2.) The xylem in plants is

          responsible for ….

( a ) Transportation of food

( b ) Transportation of water

( c ) Transportation of oxygen

( d ) Transportation of amino acids

Q 3.) Which is the largest endocrine


( a ) Adrenal Gland

( b ) Pituitary Gland

( c ) Thyroid Gland

( d ) Thymus Gland

Q 4.) Through which of the following

       structures cockroaches breathe ?

( a ) Lungs

( b ) Gills

( c ) Skin

( d ) Trachea

Q 5.) Multiple fission occurs in …..

( a ) Euglena 

( b ) Paramoecium

( c ) Yeast

( d ) Plasmodium

Q 6.) Hydra reproduces by the process of …..

( a ) Budding

( b ) Multiple fission

( c ) Binary fission 

( d ) Layering

Q 7. ) Which of the following is a part Of male reproductive system ?

( a ) Vas deferens

( b ) Fallopian tube 

( c ) Ovum 

( d ) Placenta


  1. b

  2. b

  3. c

  4. d

  5. d

  6. b

  7. a




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